
“Please let me be whole again,” I said as I threw the stone into the well. I knew full well that wishing would do nothing to change the situation, but all I had left was hope that maybe it would. If there was even a slight chance that things could go back to the way they were, then I’d take it. I longed to feel his warmth again, even if only for a moment. The reaper took his soul from him right in front of me, thus leaving me to catch a lifeless corpse that I could not join. The only way to retrieve it would be to challenge that reaper, but that was nigh impossible to do. Or so I thought. 

“I figured you’d want answers for why I stole the soul of your friend,” The reaper appeared to me and said. I scanned my surroundings and did a double take just to make sure this was all real. 

“What would give you that idea?” I snarkily responded.

“Well, I tend to keep an eye on those affected by the people I reap and you’ve seemed down lately.”

“I wonder why?” I said with sarcasm dripping from every syllable. 

“I just wanted to let you know that if I hadn’t reaped his soul then he would’ve died five minutes later from being hit by a bus.”

“So you’re saying that by killing him you saved him? If you can see the future, then why didn’t you just like warn him or something?”

“I’m afraid that’s not how my existence works. Once I come down, then someone has to be reaped.”

“So you can just come down at any time, but you’ve got to leave with a body count?”

“Yeah, pretty much.”

“So who’s on the list for today?”

“You.” The reaper slashed at me, taking my soul in an instant. That was kind of a dick move all things considered. Acting all friendly like he was going to try to justify taking my friend’s soul only to take mine too.

“So what was going to kill me?”

“I don’t know. I just felt like reaping someone.”







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